Project Context:

In response to the imperative need for noise mitigation and the unwavering commitment to the safety, health, and wellbeing of Palm Lake Resort Caloundra residents, our expertise was enlisted to design and implement a robust acoustic solution along the busy Kawana Way Link Road

Scope of Engagement:

Our mandate encompassed the comprehensive Design, Supply, and Installation of an acoustic wall, strategically positioned to shield the tranquillity of the Palm Lake Resort Caloundra community

Technical Specifications:

Over 3,335.5 square metres of 75mm thick, and up to 4.2-metre-long rectangular units of precast concrete panels were supplied and installed on the 953m long wall.
A network of approximately 237 UB posts, customized in size, height, and depth, was installed to seamlessly integrate with the wall design and adapt to the existing ground conditions.

Adherence to Standards:

Our materials, along with the on-site construction of the barriers, stood unwaveringly compliant with the standards set forth by the Department of Main Roads. The commitment to meeting and exceeding regulatory benchmarks ensured not only acoustic efficacy but also the utmost safety and durability

Result: A Soundscape Transformed:

The culmination of this project is more than just a physical barrier; it’s a testament to our dedication to transforming soundscapes and enhancing the living experience for the residents of Palm Lake Resort Caloundra. The 953-meter-long noise wall now stands as a silent guardian, seamlessly integrating into the surroundings while fortifying the peace within

Excellence in Action:

The success of the Palm Lake Resort Caloundra acoustic wall project underscores our capability to transform challenges into opportunities and deliver solutions that stand the test of time